I have done a draw for the follower blog candy, and it is Jamilie!!!! Woooo hooo congrats! Please send me your snail mail addie, and I will get your prize mailed out to you this week. I did a second draw for a second little prize (not shown) and the winner of that one is Bearly Sane! Please send me your snail mail addie and I will get your prize out to you as well. Thanks to all of you that played along! Watch for another blog candy contest coming some time after Thanksgiving.
Now on to the card making tutorial I promised you-

Love you Forever Card Tutorial by Pam Sandy
I love the variety of rich jewel toned colors in the grosgrain and organdy ribbon
Alexx Kesh offers. For this card, I decided to use 5/8" turquoise and white dotted grosgrain and organdy ribbon, as well as lime green organdy striped ribbon, brown satin embossed leaf ribbon, turquoise satin flower shaped embossed ribbon, a baby blue felt embossed flower, a blue and white textured fabric flower, a blue gem flower, and a white button, all products that Alexx Kesh offers. Please feel free to substitute things from your stash if you wish.
First - cut your cardstock base, an eight and a half by five and a half piece of Cardstock Warehouse white cardstock. Fold the eight and a half inch side in half to measure four and a quarter inches. Cut a turquoise piece of cardstock with decorative edge scissors to measure approximately four inches by five and a quarter inches. Adhere turquoise cardstock on top of white cardstock base. Cut a one and a half inch wide piece of decorative paper to go across the bottom of your card and attach.

Cut a piece of white cardstock 3 3/4 inches long by approximately three inches wide. Cut this piece into 4 assorted widths, keeping them similar in size. Adhere them on the right side of your turquoise base, staggering the placement.

Cut 3 pieces of green organdy ribbon for flower stems. Cut and tie "leaves" to 2 strips of green ribbon.

To make the 3 petal flower, cut a 7" piece of turquoise organdy ribbon. Starting at one end, sew a running stitch along the bottom of the ribbon, making two evenly spaced running stitch areas up to the top of the ribbon. This will form your petals. Draw the thread up tight and stitch ends of ribbon together.

Using the same basic technique, cut one 5 inch piece of turquoise and white dotted ribbon. Sew a running stitch along the lower edge of the ribbon only. Pull thread tight to form yoyo or rosette and stitch ends together.
Cut one flower from the turquoise satin flower ribbon (or use a turquoise flower you already have).
Place green ribbons on card base, as well as stitched ribbon flowers, placing the 3 petal flower on the right, and the yoyo flower on the left.

Add blue textured flower and layer felt flower on top on center green ribbon stem. Add blue gem to 3 petal flower, button on center flower, and glitter to center of satin flower.
Layer brown leaf satin embossed ribbon along bottom third of flower stems. You can add some snippets of the green organdy ribbon to the center flower for leaves if you would like. Place letters for card saying on right side of card.

All finished! Enjoy your card.
I will have a layout to show you the middle of this week. I used one of the fun sketches on
Sketches - Creatively Yours. Make sure you stop back later in the week to check it out!
Till then, have an awesome crafty week ~ Pam